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A photovoltaic system is a plant for the production of electricity. Photovoltaic technology allows you to directly convert solar energy incident on the Earth's surface into electricity by exploiting the properties of silicon, a semiconductor element widely used in all electronic devices.

The benefits of having a photovoltaic system are:

• savings on utility bills by reducing to zero the cost of the share in bill energy (incentive exchange on site) - have recognized a energy credit and get liquidating into account to the incentives related to energy;
• a real gain because of the energy bill (approximately 30 years) once the monthly earnings of the incentives provided by the GSE will have equalized the cost of your system, in the period that will remain in your favor will be in effect a monthly increase of your revenue;
a gain for our planet, saving the emission of tons of CO2 produced by the systems of production of electricity from non-renewable sources (oil, coal, etc.).
increase in the real estate value of 20%;
the energy produced from renewable sources is an inexhaustible resource, which enables us to produce energy for others.

We think of everything, to you enjoy the benefits.
• We come to visit you at your home to collect the first technical data and to answer your questions.
• We do a preliminary design of the system.
• We formulate a cost estimate .
• We assess with you the best offer ( financial advice and assistance in the full 360 ° of any funding request ) .
• Prepare the documentation to be submitted to the City and all other bodies responsible for authorizing the installation of the system and send the documents for the request to connect to your network (Enel , etc. . ) .
• We install the system and we'll take care certification and testing .
• We care practices for the application of incentives to the GSE .
• We are always at your disposal and offer our advice ( insurance for your plant by natural events and / or theft ; the guarantees of extension and management of all components , with a contract from the annual cost of maintenance of the negligible you free from all thoughts ) . 


Soon we will publish our works. continues

Energenie is a  brand di BM&MS s.r.l. .


Copyright © 2012 . BM&MS s.r.l. . P.I. 03131530838