Sicurezza sul Lavoro (Safety at Work), this branch of the BM & MS is in charge of everything related to training, certification and documentation to work safely and in compliance with current regulations, both for sites, both for companies and public businesses.

D V R D U V R I P O S P S CCoordinamento 







D U V R I  Documento Unico di Valutazione Rischi da Interferenza

D U V R I - SPD evaluation interference risks

The BM & MS aims to provide to the Contracting Company processing the Document for the Evaluation of the Interference Risks (DUVRI), obligation of the Employer in the event of the assigned activities to a contractor or self-employed within of your company or a single production unit of the same, as well as throughout the production cycle of the company itself (Article 26 paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 81/2008 as amended).

Through the technical document-operating, that the Company made ​​available for the purpose of formulation of the offer and subsequently attached to the contract, are refered the Prevention Measures to be implemented in order to reduce and / or eliminate risks to interference, "contact risky" among the staff of the principal and the contractor or the employees of the various businesses operating in the same business location with different contracts.

The DUVRI is a tool that allows you to translate into operational terms the formalities required by law through the organization prior coordination of activities contracted out to third parties with respect to those present in the production unit, or specific choices of prevention procedural, technical, planning.
Serves as the strategic document of coordinated management of the contracts awarded to third parties and operational document of reference in the course of work for contracting companies, providing an organic vision, updated and comprehensive of the contracted activities, their planning and actions and procedures to implement.